
3.1 Recap


What conclusion can we draw from our research? That is the question we will answer in this phase. It only consists of one method but is a crucial step when we switch from research-focused phases to ideation. During this phase the designers need to challenge the technology experts to think outside of the box.

To create fertile grounds for the ideation, we need to interpret the facts we gathered. We need to describe what the technology‘s pros and cons entail. Can we rephrase these facts and give them context?

Step 1: Remember the advantages and disadvantages we collected in *Method 1.4 Technical Pros and Cons*? We will use those for our first round of interpretations, so ensure you have them ready.

Step 2: Interpret your data. Take each fact/argument and ask yourself: What does it mean? Try to think of all the consequences the technology has. For example: If our technology only works with artificial light, one interpretation could be that it is oriented at human activity. You can find other examples in the Project documentation.

Step 3: Write down or sketch all interpretations you can think of.

Tipp: A contra argument does not always lead to a negative interpretation. Make sure to find positive interpretations for them. If you already have ideas about solutions, park them in your notes.


The interpretations of the advantages and disadvantages are based on the thoughts that came up when I read the research papers. The intensive examination of the technology ensured an omnipresent debate on the subject.

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