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We already gathered countless ideas from the different futures we imagined. To add another perspective, we will also add a more analytic approach and take a look at TRIZ. In “An Introduction to TRIZ: The Theory of Inventive Problem Solving” Darrell Mann describes it as: “[…]the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving. TRIZ is a philosophy, a method, and a collection of problem definition and solving tools and strategies. The whole emerges from one of the biggest studies of creativity ever conducted with over 1500 person, years of research, and the study of over two million of the world‘s most successful patents built into it.” (30)

He explains that the key findings of TRIZ research are...

But if TRIZ has all we need to create innovation, why has this method not caught on?  In their “digital innovation playbook” the agency Dark horse Innovation describes it like this:

“The problem is in the details: it is easy to derive abstract mechanisms from specific solutions, but it is difficult to derive new specific solutions from abstract mechanisms. However, this method helps us to come up with new ideas. It is a good addition to brainstorming [...] if we feel like we have not had any really innovative ideas yet.” (32)

One of the research results of TRIZ are 40 innovation-promoting principles and mechanisms, some of which we will use to generate additional ideas. (33)

40 inventive principles, the most popular component of TRIZ

Here are the five out of the eight principles Dark Horse Innovation adapted in their TRIZ method that we can use: